
Showing posts from July, 2009


Simplicity of happiness has been wrongly devoted to the maxim of ecstasy. Loud laughter has been so busy with emptiness of mind. It's a togetherness......but full of dreaming hopeless and creating nothing instead the unconscious words of alcoholism. The party must be is not too late. (MATERIALISM ON HAPPINESS)


Bennet Cerf relates this touching story about a bus that was bumping along a back road in the South. In one seat a wispy old man sat holding a bunch of fresh flowers. Across the aisle was a young girl whose eyes came back again and again to the man's flowers. The time came for the old man to get off. Impulsively he thrust the flowers into the girl's lap."I can see you love the flowers," he explained,"and I think my wife would like for you to have them. I'll tell her I gave them to you." The girl accepted the flowers, then watched the old man get off the bus and walk through the gate of a small cemetery. (from Chicken Soup for the Soul)


There is a good market for simplicity these days, but one can't help wondering if it is really simplicity that is being promoted. Books and magazines that tell people how to live simply often promote a new for of consumerism. Gurus of organization equate simplicity with tidiness. The kind of simplicity that removes clutter from the soul has more to do with poverty of spirit and a contemplative attitude than with orderliness and a taste for the classic. Spiritual simplicity, like material simplicity, depends on the skill of knowing when to let go of what is useful to make room for what is essential. It doesn't take the deprivation of material poverty, but it does take something akin to poverty of spirit. (JANE KOPAS)


There is no absolute HAPPINESS as some parts of it must be shared to conscience towards sadness of "poverty". There is no absolute SADNESS as some parts of it must be shared to conscience towards happiness of "hope". But .... there is a "safe" zone between them..... we call it as "idealism". (for July 20, 2009)


Defining in today’s context of salvation is not easy as the world now is full with materialism. To think using materialism way is to think everything measurable, practical and instant. Materialism paradigm can easily be traced by the irrational consumption of symbols. Satisfying need is intended to have better social status and to accumulate “more” or in a very economic term “investment”. Therefore, the consumption is emotionally-driven and unlimited one. It must be a hard effort to convince that God is still exist in that euphoria of symbolic consumption. It needs a better and logical explanation that there is an optimism related to the role of God in making better world in the future. Satisfying explanation may be in the matter to know the fact that world need something better. God is about goodness and refers to something ideal. He could be in a very abstract form or a real one. He will be very abstract for those who are used to think simply in a materialism way. Those who are quest...


When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don't even understand the language the people speak. So you are like a child just out of the womb. You begin to attach much more importance to the things around you because your survival depends upon them. You begin to be more accessible to others because they may be able to help you in difficult situations. And you accept any small favor from the gods with great delight, as if it were an episode you would remember for the rest of your see only the beauty of them, and feel happy to be alive... (PAULO COELHO)


I very much concern on reflective thinking session as the medium or tools to make better understanding to the definition of God. Reflective thinking is very effective in terms of the way to questioning my existence to this life. Life should be able to be questioned instead it will be a very “dead and meaningless” one. Questioning life is also questioning myself with all strengths and weaknesses. The “quality” of my reflective thinking is questionable to deal with strengths and weaknesses I should work out. In certain cases it is very hard to adjust with flexibility….the same with adjustment in the new atmosphere or environment. Sometimes it is like an “allergic” syndrome to greet the coming of “newness”. Experiencing from my past when I came here as the only “foreigner”. All my fellows here are Filipinos with well-placed attributes in their own cultures, characters, exclusive solidarity, etc. What I feel as excluded person is that the feeling of lonesome, painful…and that being “in des...


It’s odd that after thousands of years of great spiritual example and literature we have to remind ourselves that spirituality is to be found in everyday life. The world’s sacred poetry, ritual, prayer, and art are filled with images of incarnated divinity, or the eternity that lies, admittedly sometimes hidden, in the temporal, or the transpersonal that animates our personal lives. Hundreds of times painters have taken up theme of the “Annunciation” and have pictured that moment, that eternal moment that is in all our lives, when the angel evident in Tibetan tangkas and in Indian sculptures and when William Blake says, “Eternity is in love with the production of time.” (Thomas Moore) So.... Spirituality is a mistery in the terms that it is difficult to logically explain instead it is a concept to be experienced. This life offers time to think about it through a number of moments. The high degree of spirituality understanding could be found in the perception of consciousness towards li...

The Simplicity of Words.....

Mostly "word" is used as "cosmetics" for nothing. Mostly "word" is used to make "a win"....BUT "word" is very often used to bring goodness. AND...."word" can do all well. "Word" is in respect of those who use it....NOW..It's your authority to have it


A friendship is between two or more. And, they all know how to make a unity of similarities. The spirit of togetherness that always brings fairness and that no one will lose his face but ....... gain victory.

MISTERI WAKTU (1) ........

Masa lalu seringkali memberi kesan indah. Masa yang akan datang seringkali tidak diketahui "arahnya".... Yang harus dikerjakan saat ini adalah........? membuat kesan indah bagi masa yang akan datang.......SELAMAT BERKARYA !


Orang yang pesimis terhadap hidup sejatinya adalah orang yang selalu mempertanyakan eksistensi hidupnya. Dan oleh karenanya, orang tersebut akan terus berpikir......yang akan berhenti pada suatu "titik" dimana disitu ada harapan. Nah, mulai sekarang kita mesti belajar dari pesimistis......

Oh life (2) .......

Mengapa kita harus memberi lebih banyak? Karena kita telah mendapatkan apa yang seharusnya kita dapatkan dalam jumlah yang lebih dari cukup. Berilah maka kamu akan mendapatkan. Dengan memberi lebih banyak, maka kita mengalami kekurangan. Tapi kekurangan itu akan segera dipenuhi oleh "banyak kesempatan" untuk menghasilkan kelebihan.

Oh life (1) ........

Ada banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan dalam hidup ini. Sekecil apapun hal yang kita kerjakan ternyata mempunyai arti apabila kita mampu memahaminya. Oleh karenanya, kita tidak perlu melakukan hal-hal yang besar. Yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengerjakan hal-hal yang mempunyai arti. Semakin banyak hal yang berarti yang kita kerjakan, maka semakin besar kesempatan kita mengalami hari-hari yang menyenangkan dalam hidup ini. Masalahnya adalah kadang kita kesulitan memahami sebuah pekerjaan sebagai sesuatu yang memiliki arti atau tidak. Tapi, orang bijak mengatakan pekerjaan yang mempunyai arti adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk kepentingan orang lain. Apapun itu bentuknya....