
Showing posts from April, 2011


Consolation oh consolation. The idea of Ascetism (from George Bernard Shaw by Frank Harris) is such a great humility towards life. Poor in material will not meant to be poor in intellectuality. Your intellectual should be under your authority. It is a tool that leads you to the deepest understanding – the “wisdom”. The intellectual “gipsy” means you work only for the sake of truth. To produce and .... forget about the “sensational effect” that may follow. Your vocation is finding the truth. And, once you find it the next challenge is to “live” in it. Intellectual “gipsy” is really poverty of material. You are “materially” a man of nothing but should be in the level that your intellectuality can accept it. To respond God’s love is really a matter of “personalized capacity to express, to produce”. Don’t force yourself to reach the “artificial ideal” which comes from “what other people say of it”. The ideal which is a product of “collective decision” will only cause “dehumanization”. (ig...


Impact of market creativity is creative consumer who has much capacity and freedom to make selection for his best product. The critical conscious point for consumer to think and define the idea of “the best” has made him being able to have maximum authority as rational consumer. This will come to the idea of dynamic of creative consumer in terms of his various activities to learn, think and experience. The dynamic term refers to the possibilities of experiencing disappointment, satisfaction and difficulty to make decision with the fact of “creative market”. (ign_heri_sw/April 2011)


Dalam konteks kreatifitas berorientasi pasar, maka “karya” dari sang creator harus diberi label dan elemen-elemen yang seringkali dimanipulasi untuk dapat ditempatkan sebagai “produk”. Karya itu akhirnya menjadi produk. Dia harus mampu menyediakan wilayah, ruang dan mekanisme bagi terjadinya pembaharuan (innovativeness) yang dapat dijual dan mendapat “tempat” di benak pasar dan mampu “dipertukarkan” karena dengan demikian akan menjadi “energi” bagi daur hidup kreatifitas itu sendiri. Bentuknya semacam kreatifitas mekanistis karena kreatifitas dapat dengan cepat dan mudah dilakukan (oleh siapapun), selalu me-review (to review), merevisi (to revise), melengkapi (to complete) feature dan versi sebelumnya. Kreatifitas hanya sanggup “bermain-main” dalam persoalan memecah dan merangkai, merusak dan memperbaiki. Tidak heran jika muncul pesimisme kreatifitas pasar karena selalu memproduksi nilai-nilai yang merusak (destructive values). Oleh karena itu yang dikerjakan oleh kreatifitas model ini...