Showing posts from June, 2013
Dinamika Kreatifitas
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Kreatifitas sebagai fenomena dinamis artinya ada gerakan dan bergerak untuk mencari sebuah penyelesaian terhadap masalah-masalah praktis. Atribusi kecepatan dan kemudahan menjadi tujuan kreatifitas. Ditandai oleh sejumlah temuan yang saling melengkapi (complementary) maupun menggantikan (subtitute) , “keramaian” kreatifitas menandai masuknya era kreatifitas. Dinamika kreatifitas yang nampak jelas terlihat merupakan perwujudan kreatifitas berorientasi pasar. Sejumlah temuan begitu mudah dan cepat ditemui di pasar. Segera saja setelah itu temuan-temuan diproduksi secara massal. Dinamika kreatifitas adalah dinamika pasar yang merefleksikan ambisi manusia mengkonsumsi kebaruan (newness) , entah itu kebaruan melalui proses daur ulang (re-cycle) ide-ide lama maupun kebaruan melalui totalitas kreatifitas sang creator yang “reflektif”.
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Children of Indonesian migrants workers in Sabah, good number of them, who are simply trying to have access for education. It is like "hey look I'm going to school now" . And, they survive despite physical limitation. Courage and the spirit are there. Life is about how you respond it, and the "taste" is very personal. Again, it's reflective too. God is fair enough. I was there and learned many things from them. Oh merciful Lord. Grant them a good spirit to do the best for the future. Grant them a good health so that they can continue making proud of their parents. My kids, you have done great things. Don't give up and always bring yourself and trust to Him.