Living with values is not only a slogan for hidden message. It is part of local character. There are many cities living with values as they are able to maintain identity. Local identity which defines the people and their life. The strong local identity can be found in some historical buildings. They are part of the history. It will not be easy to eliminate ideas of local-oriented eagerness when materialism becomes dominant. Hence, the compromise approach could be alternative for peaceful reconciliation between eagerness to have identity and pressure of materialism ego.
Living with values means living with identity. Proud to be myself with colorful uniqueness and optimism of idealism. Identity brings attributes which are rooted from the experience. I am what I experience. I am with ambition that leads me to the direction of meaning. Everything is calculated accurately. Details of each parts are clearly stated. The form, size and color of each parts are storyteller, a witness of process. They are very rich and meaningful. No one can make intervention even in small piece of motives.
Look at the story behind the physical appearances. They keep alive with their label of strong brand. They are here to present alternatives in the era of modernization, alternatives of living in harmony. (ign_heri_sw/2010)