Misogyny and Materialism
A Steady Stream Of Misogyny And Materialism
I was very disappointed with "Can MTV stay cool?" (Cover Story, Feb. 20). While MTV Networks (VIA ) may be a leader in reinventing its brand, your story made little mention of MTV's dark side, which includes regularly playing music videos that largely feature misogynistic images and lyrics and espouse the "virtues" of materialism. MTV has taken the strategy of appealing to the "lowest common denominator" in order to obtain its widest reach.
Jeffrey Podoshen
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, Pa.
I was very disappointed with "Can MTV stay cool?" (Cover Story, Feb. 20). While MTV Networks (VIA ) may be a leader in reinventing its brand, your story made little mention of MTV's dark side, which includes regularly playing music videos that largely feature misogynistic images and lyrics and espouse the "virtues" of materialism. MTV has taken the strategy of appealing to the "lowest common denominator" in order to obtain its widest reach.
Jeffrey Podoshen
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, Pa.