Creativity does not just deal with the market, which is consistently responding to market dynamics, but also the manifestation of interest and "anxiety" of the creator. Energy for market-oriented creativity is a dynamic market. Dynamic market with purely economic interests. "Spirit" of market is filled with the essence of needs and scarcity. Market will always be the winner because that's where the market equilibrium is constructed – law of the demand and supply, therefore, market perspective should always be followed, maintained, and adopted. This creativity deals with producing "products". Instead, creativity is "poor market" and total expressive of its creator is creativity inspired by the "lonely", far from the noisiness of market. This kind of creativity will only produce a "work" instead of "product". Work in this creativity has no economic value, but it is understood in the frame of "rich" meaning (meaningful), interpretive and subjective. Its energy comes from the creator’s internal reflective capacity, namely excess capacity to create or excess of creative energy. (ign_heri_satrya_wangsa/2010)