Modern slavery might not only be a fiction when technology and gadget take over all aspect of human life. Lack of skills in time management such as being late raising in the morning, finishing certain assignment or being late for some appointments seem to be very common and excuse-able. What is it all about? It might be caused by culture of convenience or “easy life”. Perhaps, that is the technology which always introduces as well as promotes easiness in our way of life. We become more on gadget-oriented – gadgets which always offer unending pleasure. Even, we might be enslaved by those kinds of tools. There is no more critical consideration that the tool is just “the tool” – simply an object. Have we ever had a critical insight that we could use the tool to improve our quality of life as a human? There is technology inside the gadget. Technology may bring effectiveness in our way of life but it does not mean to easily control and to rule out our life. We should be the subject rather than object. A master who has dignity to put himself at the top over his slave.

Those who are aware with this issue believe that the role of family is quite significant. Parents could play role model. They could start from the earlier years of their kids to introduce using gadget wisely. It is not really to avoid those techy stuffs rather to show some advantages and disadvantages. They should be put equally. It is important to know that some advantages of gadget might lead to improve better quality of “being” a human. For practical reason, it might lead to productivity as we become more time-concerned and self-discipline. In addition, it might bring us to the level of perception toward ourselves which means better understanding to accept our limitation as a human. On this understanding, accepting limitation as a human is meant to acknowledge human “potential” weaknessess to use in a wrong way.

School environment may also be developed to create critical atmosphere toward the existence of technology. It is not meant to be against it rather to build “awareness”. School can effectively play important role in the institutional level to regulate the use of gadget during school time, for example, students are not allowed to bring cellphone and laptop, free wi-fi service is only provided in computer laboratory and faculty’s office. In some schools this kind of policy is effective enough to introduce moral values toward the existence of technology and the gadget, and even has good response from the parents. Teacher can use their space of authority to promote how to use technology wisely to give life for others. Teaching material can be integrated with “ethics” – how to use technology for good reason. It is not only for our life but also life for others.

It is undeniable the existence of technology and gadget are part of our life. Today’s parents and school are called to be an active witness, companion, even a “prophetic role” or agent of change for our future generation – our kids who need to be freed from technology and gadget addiction, and at the same time, to be brought into the tradition of critical use. Moderation use of technology might be “the best medicine”. Constant campaign for the moderation use of technology within family and school context might also be helpful not to stop using it but maximizing to create more benefit for the sake of human life. I won’t last a day without you, but now I dare to say I can live without you.

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