I start to think. What does it tell me so far? It is not just the skills -- the language skills. When I met Jihan (Turkey), Komiko (Japan), Hussein (Iran), Lara (Taiwan), Tony (Korea), Angelo (China) they brought me a message of friendship. Dealing with people is not finished with communication skills. In fact, they need someone to listen, or simply just "being with them". One time, it was so surprising that made me "twisted", my classmate Steve (Korean) approached me. I just listened and smiled at him: "I want to speak in English fluently". Then, conversation ran smoothly. It had been for several days I found Steve a very quiet person. However, I was wrong! One of our teacher, Mam Rosanna challenges and "calls" us to practice more in Writing class. Thanks to her appreciation even for little idea coming from our mind. Let's write! Yes. The writing class has made me become more responsible with my ideas. Don't be afraid to write! Mam Luz has offered me another view. There, I finally find some vocabularies from various articles: superstition, personality, horoscope and cultural conflict. I don't believe superstition but I'm so impressed that I have to see in different angle.