At Church of St Paul the Hermit

I accompanied Brother Andrew Loke, FSC for a vocation promotion at the Church of St Paul the Hermit - Bestari Jaya on Sunday (17/5). Eleven of us from the vocation promotion team of KL Archdiocese turned up including a diocesan priest and team leader Father Christopher – an Old Boy of La Salle PJ. Other religious congregations participated in the program are Fransiscan Missionary of Mary (FMM), Little Sister of the Poor (LSP), Infant Jesus Sisters (IJS), and Good Shepherd Sisters (RGS). We were the only Brothers congregation who went for the program.

Travel to Bestari Jaya took about two hours drive to the northwest of KL. We were lucky enough for the smooth trip and lovely weather. After the exit of KL highway and upon reaching Bestari Jaya the road was a bit winding with very few cars passing. Along the way was reserved forest area.

We reached the church around 7.30am. Church of St Paul the Hermit is a newly built small church. Most of the parishioners are Tamil-speaking. Mass was scheduled at 9.15am. An hour before mass we all gathered in the church to start the program. Each of us was given time to share our vocation story. I took my turn during the homily. I shared my vocation story and gave a short introduction to life of the Founder.

After the mass the congregation were led to the exhibition booth. Many people came and approached us for a few questions. I saw also some of them came to Brother Andrew asking for blessing. We left the church at 11.30am.

Thank You, Lord for this great moment and especially to take part as a vocation promoter witnessing Your loving kindness. I pray for more young people who would like to generously take active participation in responding Your call for a meaningful life.  Amen.

PJ/Fri/22/5/2015 7am/Br Ignaci Heri, FSC

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