God does matter?

It is interesting if it is not "scary" that young people today has been going beyond "the box". It is normal though with the "creative mind" which can not be calm and peacefully rest in the deepest part of the self. That's the "root" problem coming from actually. Anyway, it is just a thought. Beyond God matters is that "you are what your answer is". Look and identify their answers. You will know who they are. Critical means stubborn and greed. He want to finish out the question, to demand the details and ... to ask for some more. Let see where it is. Simplicity of question is not always with "simple" answer. Why and what happened?

Some people think that God has already pre-planned our whole life, do you agree with this? Explain your answer.

(By AN)
Relatively. As I believe God has plans laid for us and has created a road for us to walk. However, we still have the choice whether we walk the path or not. For example, I do not believe God would plan for any one of us to fall out of faith or to commit murder. However, people still do it by their free will. Therefore, I think that even if our life was planned out, whether we follow and accept that plan is up to us.

(By AM)
Yes, but it's an enormous plan. For each choice we make in life, there are a few consequences/roads that lead off of it. It's like a fork on the ..., and although a powerful being has laid out the choices it is your responsibility completely to choose. So my answer is yes and no.

(By CL)
I think that you make your own decision. We do not know for sure what happens or if we are being controlled. However, I believe we have our own freewill and we make our independent decision.

(By NC)
No. He gives us freewill and us as humans are imperfect and make mistakes. At times, we may go against God's will and do things irrationally.

(By WP)
I don't believe in God.

(By AL)
To an extent God has a purpose for each of us. Something he wants us to achieve and something important, and yet chooses to give us freewill and allow us to make our own decision. He did however give a guideline, commandment and rules that are meant to guide us in finding meaning and importance in our lives. Each action may not have been planned and set down in stone, but he does want us to do certain things.

(By HT)
Yes, our whole life is already pre-planned as we make mistakes and those mistakes make us learn where we went wrong.

I heard someone mentioned "ideology". Those are just ideas, I guess. They are so unlimited. But why? I think I know the answer: their life is inside their head. Is there any commitment in it? Not much. So, now I believe that I need God in my life. The church, institution, rituals, accessories or any material things are very helpful. Life will teach you. Just be patient when you come into that stage.

Thank You, Lord for giving me such understanding ...

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