Hear what they say

Listening is a gift. It is when we place ourselves for others. Listen and hear what they say. It is all with emotion, deep inside themselves. The world inside is dynamic, and you can only see by listening. Story of young people today...

So competitive
Although I was born into a privilege family, with all my physical needs take care of, I have still faced small adversities that have hindered my progress through life. A few years back, when I was ten, there was a new girl in our class, as a naturally bubbly girl, I immediately took her under my wing. We soon became fast friends, practically inseparable, but one day a girl from my class noticed her, and started inviting her to join a group of girls. Slowly, our time together was dwindling as she spent her time with them. I was young and naive, so I became very lonely and sad, weeping all day and feeling down, essentially. I remember one morning, I dreaded going to school so I ran to my parents room crying. (SP-8/11/2016)

Miss her much
To be able to be positive through a tough situation, is truly a gift. To be able to remain happy and have an open heart, mind and soul throughout a period of mourning, negativity or sadness is something that should not be just taken as a regular thing. When something negative in your life happens, your heart aches for something to be done to heal it, so to push those feelings aside is actually quite commendable. During the time when my grandma passed away, because I was very close to her, the whole situation was just a million times worse. Although I was extremely devastated I tried to remember all the lovely times we had together and all the love she gave me. I will always remember her as someone who was caring jovial and generous, a true role model. (SC-8/11/2016)

My dad left my family
Positivity to me is staying happy and joyful during hard times. If you are positive you can cheer other people up. Positivity can spread like a wildfire. When my dad left my family, it really hurt me emotionally. I didn't feel good at all. It was my friends positivity that cheered me up and taught me that it wasn't the end of the world. Every time I felt down, my friends would cheer me up. They really helped me during that time. Now, I want to be positive so that I can brighten up other peoples days. To spread positivity. (NN-8/11/2016)

Pursue my dream
"Don't give up before you try!". When I was 10 years old, I learned ballet dance from my auntie. My aunties was a dancing teacher, and a very famous dancer when she was young. When I said that I wanted to learn dancing, she can't believe what I said in that moment. She said I didn't have any talent in dancing and always said some hurtful comments to me. I can't forget last time she said: "You better give up!" But I didn't even try! I like to dance, but maybe I'm none the wiser for dance yet. I know that what I need to realize my dream is to practice more and more. Finally, I have a chance to stand on a concert stage. Although I did a backup dancer, I still realized my dream and met my favourite dancer. I felt so helpful that I didn't give up before I tried. (NN-8/11/2016)

I was very young when I learnt that being negative never helped anyone. It never stopped me, but was always at the back of my head. I knew the effect my negativity had on my family and friends, but I didn't care. My mood was always low, I was easily angered. I lived in a bubble of horrific possibilities, that continued to press down on me, until I was being crushed between walls of fear. Fear of what could happen, but never did. My time was consumed worrying. I was constantly in my bubble and never once stepped out to appreciate the world around me. I'm not sure where I learned that negativity was good. That was you're never disappointed. Thinking back to it though, we end up just spiralling out of control. Negativity avoids disappointment, but makes us feel negative about ourselves - we ridicule and pick on ourselves until there is nothing left. If everyone viewed events and decisions as the best that could have happened at that time what a wonderful world this would be. Imagine a place with no regrets, not being hung up on things out of our control, being able to move on, a place of happiness. That's where positivity leads us. That's where I'm going. (GR-8/11/2016)

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